Tuesday, June 3, 2008

Interlude 6 - the iPod

Thank you Apple for designing the iPod. It is beautiful and functional, a marvelous idea. For someone like me who at 15 was saving money (at that time, 1,5 euro for a LP) only to buy music that I could only listen at home at nighttime when everybody else in the house was in bed to be able to enjoy it in peace it is still hard to believe that you can carry in your pocket all the music that you want and you can listen to it when you want (ok, the quality is not the same, but you can't have everything). I like to listen to my music when I travel, it is a great company and a precious gift, especially in certain days.

I am just worried about all this people who listen to their iPod on the street and don't talk with anybody and if a truck runs over them they don't even realize it until it hits them - and the last thing they hear is Madonna who sings Give it to me.

Now in America they sell the iPod even in the streets with this machine.

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